
Theft Lawyer in Pomona, CA

Both California and New York laws prohibit all types of theft, which state statutes generally define as taking another’s property, money, or labor without consent. Although theft charges vary in severity, the consequences of a conviction can be significant. These crimes can result in jail time and fines, and the collateral effects of a conviction have big impacts as well. Theft crimes can stay on your criminal record for years and can make it difficult or impossible to apply for jobs or housing that require you to disclose past convictions. 

If you have been charged with a theft crime, get the help of Lucero, PC today. Our legal team is dedicated to defending our clients’ rights and fighting to protect their freedom. When you hire us, you get direct access to our theft crimes attorney in Pomona, who is always available to address your concerns, discuss our defense strategy, or answer questions about your case. With this level of dedication, you can trust us to be a voice for you when you need it most. To schedule a free consultation, get in touch with us today. 

Call us at (213) 668-7779 or reach out online.

Common Types of Theft Crimes 

Theft is a broad term that encompasses a range of offenses. Prosecution pursues charges based on the method of the alleged theft. 

Below are common types of theft crime:

  • Larceny is when a person deliberately takes another’s property. A common example is shoplifting from a grocery or retail store.
  • False pretense is knowingly defrauding another of their money, labor, or property. A frequent example is when a contractor promises to provide a service but deliberately fails to do so after having been paid.
  • Embezzlement is when a business or organization entrusts a person with property, but they steal that property or use it to benefit themselves. One example of embezzlement is a manager of a store stealing money from a cash register.
  • Burglary is when a person enters another’s dwelling and takes money or property.
  • Robbery is when a person takes another’s money or property by force or via the threat of violence. 
  • Receiving stolen property is when a person knowingly accepts stolen property. 

How CA and NY Determine Theft Charges 

California and New York have set dollar amounts that determine the severity of certain theft crimes, such as larceny or embezzlement. Should a person steal less than the dollar amount, they have committed “petty” theft. Any amount greater is “grand” theft. Although the two states have similar laws, there are important differences. 

California petty/grand theft law:

  • Petty theft is when the amount stolen is less than $950. This is a misdemeanor offense and a conviction can result in up to 6 months in jail and fines of $1,000.
  • Grand theft is when the amount stolen is greater than $950. Grand theft is a “wobbler offense,” which means the prosecution can seek either a felony or misdemeanor charge. A defendant’s criminal history and the circumstances of their arrest determine what kind of charge the prosecution can pursue. Penalties for misdemeanor grand theft include up to 1 year in jail and fines of $1,000. Penalties for felony grand theft are much more severe, as a person could face up to 3 years in jail and fines of $10,000.

New York petit/grand larceny law:

  • The state uses the term petit larceny, which is when the stolen amount is less than $1,000. This crime is a misdemeanor offense and a conviction can result in up to 1 year in jail and a fine of $1,000.
  • Grand larceny is when the stolen amount is greater than $1,000. Generally, this is a felony crime and there are 4 degrees of charges. A fourth-degree charge can result in up to four years in prison or up to 5 years of probation for first time offenders. A first-degree charge can result in up to 25 years in prison. There is also a minimum sentence for first time offenders of 1 year in prison.

Dedicated Representation for Your Theft Case

At Lucero, PC, we take on all kinds of theft cases, no matter how big or small the amount of alleged theft. When we develop our defense, we consider all the evidence and lean on our knowledge of what works in court to put an aggressive strategy into action. The goal of our Pomona theft crimes attorney is always to help you avoid charges or a conviction. 

Connect with us today by calling (213) 668-7779 or contacting us online.

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